Did gas kill my wife?

March 29, 2022 admin 0

Did gas kill my wife? Part 1 “My wife’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of advocating for yourself and your loved ones when it comes to your health. From the time my wife was 18 years old, she struggled with high blood pressure and was prescribed […]

Dieting for Success Making it Happen

March 8, 2020 admin 0

Dieting is far too often approached from the mindset of impending failure. Too many people have tried and failed so many diets in their past that they try the next new diet with the absolute knowledge that they will fail in this attempt as well. Guess what? They will. Henry […]

The 3 Most Dangerous Keto Diet Misconceptions

March 5, 2020 admin 0

The 3 Most Dangerous Keto Diet Misconceptions There are several misconceptions about diets. This is the reason people fail to achieve much sustainable success with diets. Let’s get one thing clear. Diets do work. If you’re just looking to lose weight, any diet will take you there. As long as […]

The Best Thing the Keto Diet has Going for It

February 7, 2020 admin 0

The Best Thing the Keto Diet has Going for It All of us have guilty food pleasures. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. The problem is a lot of people think that they should keep this information to themselves. In fact, if you ask them about their […]

Why Do People Fail with Most Diets?

February 6, 2020 admin 0

Why Do People Fail with Most Diets? The title of this article is a bit tricky. It really is. How come? If we’re going to be completely honest with ourselves, most diet programs currently on the market work. You know it. I know it. Everybody who has been on a […]

Pork rinds and other keto diet guilty pleasures

February 2, 2020 admin 0

 Pork rinds and other keto diet guilty pleasures Do you have any “guilty pleasures” as far as food goes? If you’re like most Americans, you know you do. There’s no shame in that game. All of us have guilty pleasures. No one is immune to this. These are foods […]


January 28, 2020 admin 0

If you stop drinking this, you’re well on your way to keto compliance Keto compliance is a fancy term for saying that you should eat and drink only fatty items. The whole idea of the keto diet, of course, is to eat and drink fat so your body burns fat […]

Going on a keto diet is easier than you think!

January 10, 2020 admin 0

A lot of people give themselves all sorts of reasons why they should not go on a diet. Believe me, I understand this process. After all, you’ve grown accustomed to eating what you like to eat and living the way you want to live. Change, for most of us human […]

KETO the WORST Diet?

January 4, 2020 admin 0

If you are like me, you might be troubled by  headlines from the experts calling KETO diet the worst among a wide range of diets on the market. What lead them to that conclusion? As we know KETO is a high fat diet, in fact 70% of your daily calorie […]

KETO Egg is your friend

January 3, 2020 admin 0

The egg is your keto diet best friend Let’s face it, for many decades now, the egg as humble as it may look, has been demonized. There’s really no other word that does justice to what so-called dietary experts and healthcare professionals have done to the egg. Think about it, […]